Расписание Личный кабинет ЭОС Документы Диссертационные советы Библиотека электронных ресурсов

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Учебники и учебные пособия, подготовленные на кафедре

Учебное пособие

Bordyugov G, Devyatov S., Kotelenets E, Titkov A. Russia: a history of the twentieth century. Materials for course the lections. - M.: MediaPress, AIRO-XXI, 2009. - 288 c.: ил.

ISBN: 978-5-902750-09-3

Подробная информация о публикации:

[Бордюгов Г., Девятов С., Котеленец Е., Титков А. Россия: история ХХ века. Материалы  курса лекций (на английском языке). - M.: MediaPress, AIRO-XXI, 2009. - 288 c.: ил.]

This textbook presents the main contours of Russian twentieth-century history is an easy manner. Its essay-like chapters provide room for discussion and debate. Moreover, much of the material exploits new methods and new ideas. Especially interesting are the essays concerning the way history is remembered, a subject which is given too little considerations in Russian historiography. The reference materials are addressed to university teachers and research staff working with foreign undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate student. They will also be interest to people studying Russian history and to visitors and other who want to get a deeper insight into the Russia’s past while also learning about trends in the development and chosen paths of Russia in the twentieth-century.