The Center for Economic History (CEH)
of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of HistoryÒà æå ñòðàíèöà ïî-ðóññêè
The Center for Economic History (CEH) was established at the History Faculty of Moscow Lomonosov State University in June 1994.
Today’s CEH is a community of researchers, united with the goal to further the development of research and improve education in the field of economic history. The focus the CEH activities is given to the study and teaching of Russia’s economic history, however we are open to working with all, who are interested in the economic history of other countries.
The concept of the CEH originated from the idea that economic history, similar to other social sciences, is a powerful method of studying and understanding Russia’s past and present development. Interest in Russian history, including the history of industrialization at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century, the history of Stolypin’s reforms, NEP, and Soviet industrialization has sharply increased in recent years. The study of economic history is necessary to adequately estimate the historical experience of Russia’s economic development.
For the realization of the decreed aims of the CEH, an organization of International and Russian conferences, seminars, and colloquiums on economic history are constituted. From 1995 to 2003 the CEH has been the organizer or co-organizer of three International conferences and five international workshops.
From 1995 the Center of Economic History has regularly held meetings of the seminar on economic history; the 140th session of the seminar was held in September 2003.
The Center organizes research groups for working on the projects in the field of economic history.
The Center actively develops published works in the stated area. The periodical publications of the Center for Economic History are the «Economic history. Yearbook» and «Economic History. Survey». By June 2003 four volumes of the Yearbook were published by the ROSSPEN Publishing House and nine issues of Survey were published by Moscow University Press.
The decree of the Center for Economic History provides for the replenishment of a library of academic literature on economic history of Russia and other countries, composing of over 3,000 books and 2,000 issues of 10 journals. The CEH has further founded a collection of electronic resources in the area of economic history.
THe researchers of Moscow State University’s History Faculty play the leading role in the operations of the Center. Likewise, economists and historians of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute for World History, Institute for Russian History and Institute for World Economy and International Relations, and from the Russian University of People’s Friendship participate in the Center’s operations. The Center for Economic History also actively cooperates with a number of European and American universities and academic centers: Oxford University (England), University of California, University of Houston, University of Miami, Ohio (USA), Sorbonne, CNRS (France), the International Institute for Social History (Netherlands), University of Helsinki (Finland), Tubingen University (Germany).
In the first years of the Center’s activities, an Academic Council, whose members include both Russian and foreign outstanding economic historians, defined the perspective for its development. In 1994-1995, the co-chairmen of the Center’s Academic Council were the member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Prof. I.D.Kovalchenko, and Nobel Prize Winner, Prof. R.Fogel (University of Chicago, USA). From 1995 to 1998 the co-chairman was Dr. V.I.Bovykin (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Russian History / MSU Faculty of History).
Currently, the Center’s work is headed by the Coordinating Council (Prof. Leonid Borodkin is a chair).
The Coordinating Council invites all, interested in economic history, to participate in the Center’s activities.
All enquiries on the Center’s activities should be addressed
to the Center’s coordinator Dr. Sofia Salomatina ( Center’s Address: 119992 Moscow, Leninskie Gory, MSU
1st Humanitarian Building, #654
Tel/Fax: 7(095)939-11-65.