Новости кафедры

02.07.2017 А.В.Туторский принял участие в работе XI Конференции Европейского общества океанистов

30 июня – 2 июля 2017 года к.и.н., доцент кафедры этнологии исторического факультета МГУ А.В.Туторский принял участие в работе XI Конференции Европейского общества океанистов (XI Conference of European Society for Oceanists), проходившей в г.Мюнхен (Германия), где выступил с докладом "Archives, oral history and archival oral history: Miklouho-Maclay and the revolt of Bilibili" (Архивы, устная история и архивная устная история: Миклухо-Маклай и восстание Били-Били) на заседании секции "The Pacific lost and found: Old and new archival environments and the structuring of Pacific worlds»" (Тихоокеанский мир потерянный и вновь найденный: Старая и новая "архивная окружающая среда" и формирование тихоокеанских миров).

"The focus of the paper will be on the perception of Maclay (a semi-divine figure named after an early Russian anthropologist Nicolas Miklouho-Maclay) in oral histories and legends of the Papuans of the Rai-coast, Madang province of Papua-New Guinea. I argue that most of oral history texts came to life after the WWII and were shaped by Australian dominance in the region. The materials from the Archive of United Lutheran Mission let us find another history of the Rai-coast and “western” – “local” relations. In legends and oral stories collected in 1940s and thereafter the image of Maclay is good (he is a culture hero), the image of Germans is bad (they are invaders and oppressors) and the image of Australians is “likely realistic”. In documents of the Lutheran Archive the figure ‘Maclay’ is a figure of an average European, who were mostly Germans at that time, but the evaluation of what Maclay (=Germans) was (were) doing was positive. The good example of this is a short story of Maclay written down from Bilibili people in 1906 and the story of Siar revolt written down in 1970s by Mary Mennis. Archival materials give us a quite different view on this event with totally different evaluations of what had happened. The introduction of those materials to local people may let them make peace with the past through understanding of the roots of the mythologisation of Germans in their legends."

В конференции приняли участие более 200 ученых из Европы, Америки и Австралии. Ключевой темой встречи стала окружающая среда и переживание взаимодействия с ней – "Experiencing Pacific Environment".

- Материалы конференции и резюме выступлений.pdf