Historical Information Science Department Faculty of History, Moscow State University
Dr. Timur VALETOV |
Associate professor in Historical Information Science Department of the History Faculty MSU (since 2007, Research Fellow since 1998). PhD in Russian social history (2005). Member of the Council of Russian Association for "History & Computing". Post-doc Researcher at the Department of Economic & Business, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona (November 2006) and at the Department of Economic History, School of Economics and Management, Lund University (May-July, 2007). Visiting researcher in University of Passau (October-November, 2018).
Current research and teaching interests: Foreign trade of Russia/USSR, 1802-1991 (see the web project on the Russian Empire foreign trade statistics); Economic and social statistics of Russia, 19th-20th cc.; Historical information science; GIS in history.
Participated in web projects presenting the Russian historical statistics:
E-mail: valetov @ hist.msu.ru.
Total number of publications - 60 (in Russian mostly). Main publications are the folowing:
Book Chapter:
Some Articles and Papers in English:
- Valetov T. Migration and the household: Urban living arrangements in late 19th- to early 20th-century Russia // The History of the Family, 13 (2008).
- Internet Resources on Russian History: the Electronic Library at Moscow State University. In: Slavic & East European Information Resources, Vol.8, Numbers 2/3, 2007. With L.I.Borodkin.
- Valetov T. World Museums on the Internet: A brief overview. In: Humanities, Computers and Cultural Heritage. Papers of the XVIth Conference of the International Association for history and computing. Amsterdam, 2005.
- Valetov T. Households in the Russian Empire: Extended or Nuclear Families?. In: Afontsev S., Kessler G., Markevich A., Tyazhel'nikova V., Valetov T. Urban Households in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1900-2000. Size, Structure and Composition. - Research papers of the International Institute for Social History, №44. Amsterdam, 2005.
Participated in the following international conferences:
- XIII International Conference of the Association for History and Computing. Toledo, 1998.
- XII International Economic History Congress. Madrid, 1998.
- "Internet in Education, Economics and Arts - Conceptions and Perspectives". German-Russian Congress. Moscow, 2000.
- IATP Conference "Integrating the Internet in Education". Vladivostok, 2000.
- IV European Conference for Social History. The Hague, 2002.
- XIII International Economic History Congress. Buenos-Aires, 2002.
- BASEES (British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies) Annual Conference. Cambridge, 2003.
- XV International Conference of the Association for History and Computing. Tromsø, 2003.
- V European Conference for Social History. Berlin, 2004.
- I Russian-French Historians Conference. Moscow, 2004.
- AAASS (American Association for the Advancemant of Slavic Studies) Annual Conference. Boston, 2004.
- 1st International Conference "Industrial Heritage". Saransk, 2005.
- VII ICCEES (International Council for Central and East European Studies) Congress. Berlin, 2005.
- VI European Conference for Social History. Amsterdam, 2006.
- Workshop "Family and Household in Urban East and Southeast Europe". Graz, Austria, 2006.
- XIV International Economic History Congress. Helsinki, 2006.
- VII European Conference for Social History. Lisbon, 2008.
- Workshop "Enhancing Access to Resources for Russian and East European Studies". Helsinki, 2012.
- X European Conference for Social History. Vienna, 2014.
- II Conference of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH-2021). Krasnoyarsk, 2021.
Teaching cources (all in Russian):
- "Historical Information Science";
- "Historical Geography of Russia and GIS";
- "Historical Demography";
- "History of the Russian Foreign Trade, 19-20th cc.";
- "Making Web Resources for Historians";
- "Computer Graphics for Historians".