Valery I.Bovykin
Economic Policy of the Tsarist Government and Russian Industrial Development, 1861-1900,
in: Ekonomicheskaja istorija. Ezhegodnik (Economic Hystory. Yearbook). 2002, Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2003, p.9-32.
The author estimates the Soviet and foreign historiography of pre-revolutionary Russian industrial development. In his opinion, the base line of researches in 1950-1980s was determined by verification of conceptions of Th.H. von Laue, A. Gershenkron and I.Gindin. These conceptions have a principal influence on the development of Russian economic history studies. The profound comparative analysis allowed the author to reveal similar patterns in the positions of opponents. In the conclusion V.Bovykin states his own point of view on Russian economic development in the second part of 19th and the beginning of 20th centuries.