Boris V. Anan'ich
Notes on Boris Mironov's article "Who Paid for Industrialization? S.Witte's Economic Policies and the Well-being of the Population in 1890-1905 on the Anthropometrical Data" (Economic History. Yearbook. 2001. P. 418-427),
in: Ekonomicheskaja istorija. Ezhegodnik (Economic Hystory. Yearbook). 2002, Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2003, p.611-613.

Boris Mironov failed to answer the question put into the article's title. Mironov only pointed out an increase of the well-being of the population from 1890 to 1905 when S.Witte influenced the economic policy of Russian government. But his principal argument is based on the data displaying a slight increase in average height of men born between 1890-1905. The usage of anthropometrical data for appraisal of economic policy of any minister raises strong doubts, particularly taking into account the fact that the article's information on Witte's reformative activity expounded in historical literature many times.