Irina V. Potkina
Morozov's Social Policy: Nickolskaya Manufacturing (1860s - beginning of the 20th century),
in: Ekonomicheskaja istorija. Ezhegodnik (Economic Hystory. Yearbook). 2001, Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2002, p.25-61.

The paper is devoted to the unknown aspects of social policy of Morozovs' family. The principal sectors of this policy were the following: 1) organization of free medical care, 2) improvement of housing conditions at the expense of manufacturers, 3) social insurance which included a wide variety of benefits and allowances for the workers, 4) provision of food and consumer goods at below-the-market prices, 5) organization of public education and professional training for workers and their children, 6) establishment of cultural centers and widespread cultural activities including libraries, holiday lectures, drama performances and operas.