Department of Russian History of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Department Head: Professor S.V.Mironenko, also Director of the Russian Federation State Archive (GARF)
The department incorporates the Centre for the History of Russian Culture, headed by Doctor L.V.Koshman, and the Group for the History of Moscow State University, headed by Doctor A.A.Levandovsky.
The main fields of research and specialization for students of the department are as follows:
The Social and Economic Development of Russia:
* Peasant and Landlord Economies in Pre-Reform Russia
* The Strengthening of Capitalism after the Peasant Reform of 1861
* Social and Economic Systems of Russia in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries
* State Regulation of the National Economy
* Territorial Changes in the Russian Empire in the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries
* Demographic Processes
* Social Structure of the PopulationEvolution of Russian Absolutism in the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries:
* "Enlightened Absolutism" in the Reign of Alexander I
* "Apogee of Autocracy" under Nicholas I
* Alexander II's Reforms in the 1860s and 1870s
* Essence of "Counter-Reforms" in the 1880s and 1890s under Alexander III
* The Monarchy of Nicholas II
* The Functioning of Legal Institutions - The State Duma and State CouncilLocal Administration in Nineteenth and early Twentieth century Russia:
* Zemstvo and Town Institutions in the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries
* Officialdom, the New Court System and the Procuracy in the Nineteenth and early Twentieth CenturiesThe Army and Navy in Nineteenth and early Twentieth century Russia
The History of Liberation Movements in Nineteenth and early Twentieth Century Russia:
* The Decembrist Movement
* Revolutionary Circles in the 1830s and 1840s
* Social and Political Upsurge in Russia: Populism in mid-Nineteenth Century Russia
* Russia during the Bourgeois-Democratic Revolutions of 1905-1907 and February 1917History of Social and Political Thought in Russia:
* Slavophiles and Westerners
* "Official Nationality" in the 1830s and 1840s
* "Russian Socialism"
* Russian Liberalism in the Late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries
* Political Parties in early Twentieth Century Russia: Democratic, Liberal Opposition, Conservative and Reactionary; Parties Representing Minority NationalitiesRussian Foreign Policy in the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries:
* The "Eastern Question" in Russian Foreign Policy
* Russia in the System of European States
* The Far East in Russian Foreign Policy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
* Russia and the Entente
* Russia in World War IThe Russian Orthodox Church in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries:
* Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church
* The Legal Status of the Orthodox Clergy
* Monasteries and Monasticism
* Systems of Religious Education
* Missionary Activities of the Russian Orthodox Church
* Church and State
* Government Policies concerning non-Orthodox Confessions
* Religious Sectarianism and the Orthodox Church in RussiaRussian Culture of the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries
Material and Intellectual Culture of Rural Russia in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries