Department of General Art History
Department Head: Associate Professor I.I.Tuchkov.
The main fields of research and specialization for students of the department are as follows:
Ancient Oriental Art and the Art of Ancient Central Asia and Transcaucasian Countries
Ancient Art: The Art of Greece and Rome; the Black Sea Region in Antiquity
Medieval Art in Western and Eastern Europe
Byzantine Art and its Links with Ancient Russian Art
Art of the Far East, South Asia and the Middle East; Buddhist and Islamic Art
Art of the Renaissance
Western European Art of the Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries
Western European Art of the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries
Western Art in the Twentieth Century; Modern Art and Artistic Culture; the Interactions between European and Russian Art in the Twentieth Century
Art Theory; Art and Aesthetics
Methodology of Art Studies
History and Theory of Art Restoration and Preservation
Museum Studies; History of Art Collecting
The academic program includes the study of Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Graphics, Decorative and Applied Art, History of Costume and Theatrical Scenery, as well as the theoretical problems of Design.