Full-text editions of historical sources
on the history of Russia (in Russian)
on the Internet
(The collection of links from MSU Faculty of History)
Up to the 19th century
«Old Russian literature».
Including the «Povest’ Vremenykh Let» (the basic Russian Chronichle) (translation in modern Russian).
Literary translations of «Zadonshina» and «The Legend on the Mamay Battle»,
and also a large selection of literature on «The Tale on Igor's Campaign»
on Sergei Fatushkin’s site
( http://www.chat.ru/~old_rus2/ ).
19th century
Library of the project "1812" - recollections of the Russian-French War of 1812.
Library «Museum of the Decembrists» – documents concerning the Decembrist insurrection of 1825.
The works by P.Ya.Chaadaev on the site of the political organization «Yabloko.».
20th century
Texts on Russian liberalism on the site of the political organization «Yabloko».
Including the collection of articles «Vekhi».
Programs of political parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century can be found on the site of the «International Historical Journal»
http://www.history.machaon.ru/number_03/projects/index.html and
A selection of texts about the Russian Revolution are on Oleg Kolesnikov’s site.
Several sources on Russian history are on a site with documents on the history of Finland.
Several documents on the history of the USSR are on the site «Soviet Zone»
Laws and decrees on the site for the Association of Victims of Political Repression of Eastern Siberia and the Town Irkutsk.
Documents on the history of repression in the USSR, established on the sites of the organisation «Memorial»
International organisation of «Memorial» (Moscow) ( http://www.memo.ru/ ):
A large selection of the above on the history of Soviet punitive agencies;
Texts of the first 27 editions (1968-1972) of «Chronical of Current Events» -
informational bulletin of defenders of rights.
Krasnoyarsk organisation of «Memorial» ( http://www.memorial.krsk.ru/ ):
A large selection of documents on the history of the repression 1922-1960.;
Memories and letters of the repressed.
Krasnoyarsk organisation of «Memorial» ( http://kazan.memo.ru/ ):
Documents on repression in Tatarskaya ASSR 1937-1938.
Krasnoyarsk organisation of «Memorial» ( http://www.memorial.ru/ ).
Several documents on the history of Soviet Belarus on the site «Minsk Leaflet»
The Soviet-German agreement of 1939 on the site «Katyn»
Texts of the electronic library "VIVOS VOCO!"
( http://vivovoco.nns.ru/ ):
The report to the people’s commissar of internal affairs on the work of the GULAG at the time of the War (17/08/44),
Russian and foreign constitutions and constitutional projects
in the section «Fundamental Laws».
Texts (zip-archived) on the site «Common Text» ( http://text.net.ru/ ):
N.S.Khrushchev. Memoirs (in 4 books).
Book 1.
(The same text in Maxim Moshkov's Library).
Book 2.
Book 3.
Book 4.
Informational canal of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, with accepted laws and reports.
Materials, published in the electronic versions of historical journals
The electronic journal «The World of History»
Pay electronic distributed Russian historical journals (1998-2000).